Coffee Treats
A Day in the Life

A Day in the Life

Come on over and enjoy a cup of coffee with me on the front porch.  I love having friends over to visit; a nice long chat and a tasty little treat to share.  Oh, it does the heart good!


Front Porch


With beautiful weather right now, our front porch is the place where we gather every day.  We begin our day with going out to the porch and swinging and cuddling.  We have four little boys (9, 7, 4, almost 2) so cuddles are abundant!  Our mornings seem to speed by, they’re filled with breakfast, playtime, homeschooling, bike riding and snacks (lots of snacks!!).  Afternoons are always a happy time because Brandon comes home for lunch each day!  The boys love their daddy and go racing to him for the “first daddy hug”!!  Later in the afternoon we love having friends over.  We have some of the best family friends, the kids all play together and the moms are able to sit and have heart warming conversations.


Coffee Snack


Serving family and friends is my passion.  I absolutely love creating new recipes for everyone to try.  During the youngest one’s nap time I get to spend my time in the kitchen!  Oh, how it makes me happy!  If I go too many days without baking something I’ll begin to get crabby (just ask my husband!).  Making allergy-friends treats to share with friends, making healthy meals for my family.  And now I get to share them here with you!  I’m on a mission to share healthy meals and snacks that busy-moms everywhere will be able to make for their families!

Coffee Treats


I am so excited to be sharing little bits about my life with you.  Each month I will share little photos from my life and share what we’re up to!  Some days I feel our day-to-day is pretty boring and routine, but you know what?  I will take boring and routine because the people I’m doing this life with are pretty darn amazing.  I wouldn’t trade them for the world!  Next adventure…kitchen remodel reveal!!  (You’ll want to see that one!!  I cannot wait to share it!!)